Challis Singers
October 2022
10 Years Anniversary Concert
Song title (taken from concert)
California dreaming (Lonesome Road)
If ye love me (Good Companye, 2013)
Lean on Me (Choirtly Loud, 2013)
Africa (Turn Back Time, (2014)
Deep river (Shifting Sands, 2014)
All through the night (Erthe & Skye, 2015)
Stand by me (Choir’s Choice, 2016)
My eyes (Defying Rafferty, 2017)
Better be home soon (Songs of Antipodes, 2018)
Caledonia (Songs from a Pure Heart, 2019)
Mercy (Songs from a Pure Heart, 2019)
Isabel (Medieval Faire, 2017–19)
Calon lan (Up Late at the Library, 2021)
Hallelujah (Bach to Bowie, 2022)
May 2022
From Bach to Bowie
Personent hodie
Pastime with good company
Jesu, meine Freude
With drooping wings
Nearer, my God, to thee
Pange lingua
It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing)
Chain of fools
Life on Mars
Never tear us apart